The Price of Scrap Aluminum and Steel per kg

The price of scrap aluminium and steel per kg has fluctuated in recent years due to various market factors. These factors include supply and demand, trade policies, and changes in the global economy. Therefore, it is crucial for those in the scrap metal industry to stay up-to-date with current prices and market trends to make informed decisions and maximise profits.

Scrap Aluminum Prices

Aluminum is one of the most recycled metals in the world due to its abundance and versatility. It is used in various applications, from construction to transportation, making it an essential commodity. However, the price of scrap aluminium varies depending on the type and purity of the metal.


The average price of scrap aluminium in the United States is around $0.50 per pound or $1.10 per kilogram. However, prices can vary significantly depending on regional and global market conditions. For example, in 2020, the price of aluminium reached a low of $0.33 per pound due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has since rebounded to its current level.

The price of scrap aluminium is influenced by several factors, including:

  • Supply and Demand: As with any commodity, the price of scrap aluminium is affected by supply and demand. When the demand for aluminium is high, prices tend to rise. Conversely, when demand is low, prices may fall.


  • Trade Policies: Trade policies and tariffs can significantly impact the price of aluminium. The 10% tariff on aluminium imports imposed by the Trump administration in 2018 caused prices to rise. The subsequent removal of this tariff by the Biden administration in 2021 has contributed to the current lower price.


  • Energy Prices: Aluminum production requires significant amounts of energy, so price fluctuations can also impact the price of scrap aluminium.

Steel Prices

Steel is another essential commodity widely used in the construction, automotive, and manufacturing industries. The steel price per kg is influenced by many of the same factors as aluminium, including supply and demand, trade policies, and energy prices.


The average price of scrap steel in the United States is around $0.10 per pound or $0.22 per kilogram. However, prices vary widely depending on the type of steel and the region in which it is sold. For example, high-grade steel may sell for up to $1 or more, while low-grade steel may only fetch a few cents per pound.

The price of steel is influenced by several factors, including:

Supply and Demand: As with aluminium, the price of steel is impacted by supply and demand. When steel demand is high, prices tend to rise. Conversely, when demand is low, prices may fall.


Trade Policies: Trade policies and tariffs can also impact the price of steel. The 25% tariff on steel imports imposed by the Trump administration in 2018 caused prices to rise. The subsequent removal of this tariff by the Biden administration in 2021 has contributed to the current lower price.

Energy Prices: Steel production also requires significant amounts of energy, so fluctuations in energy prices can impact the price of steel.

In conclusion, the price of scrap aluminium and steel per kg is influenced by several market factors, including supply and demand, trade policies, and energy prices. These factors can cause prices to fluctuate significantly over time. Therefore, for those in the scrap metal industry, staying up-to-date on current prices and market trends is important for making informed decisions and maximizing profits.


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